
There’s the person who “just loved” and the other who “just loved and got hurt.”
You celebrated a year of blessed love. Of genuine trust, honesty and selflessness. Of compromises and sacrifices. And you’ve proven that the love you both had was built on the strongest element to withstand decay and other variable forces outside your own. 
As years go by, the love was undaunted. It stood firm with silver coating and pride as both of you reach for the dreams you aimed in the beginning. But as inevitable as it seem, people change. Whether you like it or not. You get tired and exhausted. You hang on to him like a fortress in which you gather all the strength you need for days to come. 
Then the other one will soon get tired too and manages to do the same thing to you. You cling on each other’s arm; hoping that love would withstand the inner turmoil you both had.
And you, being the perfectionist, the smart one, the self-proclaimed good would not wait and watch the flow of things. You will aim for something different. Something new to freshen up the existing struggle that both of you have been going through. 
You’ll ask for space because you think that such would be the best option that you had, rather than exhausting each other’s strength and patience each night of fighting before going to bed. But you bear inside the love that still exist for your better half. Believing and conditioning your mind that you’re doing this for the sake of both of you.
While the other one, who’s love never dwindled, allowed you to do what you wanted to do. Simply because he loves you. And he trust your decisions and aimed for your happiness more than his own.
And you hold such love and thought in you, and let your wings spread through the vast landscape of freedom that you never thought existed. Soon enough, you soar through higher flight as you see him whole-heartedly  waiting for you to come back and at the same time, supporting you and your decisions. 
But man’s contentment ain’t easy to be filled. 
You still find something lacking. And you seek other free souls for guidance and they’ll be obliged to teach you what you haven’t learned. A bond would soon form, considering the circumstances and the distance present in your condition. 
You fall in love. 
To the one you believe who’s been teaching you how to live your life, who’s been there to guide your every step, who’s been there when tears fall. 
But you, being the perfectionist, the smart one, the self-proclaimed good, knows that you must choose between the two. 
But the guy who’s been waiting ever since, knows the struggle you’ve been going through. And because of the selfless, unconditional love he still had for you, he will give you the freedom you’ve been yearning ever since, for you to find your momentum of flight back. For you to reach your dreams that you believe, too hard to reach with him. 
Now, you may reason out that you just followed your heart and fell in love to someone new. And you can say that you can’t teach your heart. That it can transmit a force too strong to break. As you go along, you heal your ego with a believe that you just did and acted upon what you believe is right.
But. You shouldn’t forget that there’s someone who hold on because of love.
In the end, he got hurt.

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